Home Learning
Home Learning plays an important role in consolidating and extending children’s knowledge and understanding and in helping them to become independent learners. In Reception and Key Stage 1 children may be asked to carry out simple tasks which are appropriate to their classroom activities. Daily reading at home is strongly encouraged from Reception onwards, following our own Reading Scheme which uses a variety of resources and is frequently updated. We also encourage the children to acquire a solid understanding of number facts such as number bonds and simple tables knowledge.
During Key Stage 2, children are expected to take on an increasing amount of home learning. They will bring home both English and Maths homework most weeks, and other subjects will be added as they get older. All children are encouraged to read at home and visit the local libraries.
Involving Parents / Carers
Pupils have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through school-based and external exhibitions, performances, competitions and events involving other schools. This enables them to develop their independence as learners, their sense of responsibility, and to be proud of their achievements.