The school and governors have a range of policies which are reviewed in a regular cycle, some of which are statutory. All are based on the recommended policy or guidance from Bucks County Council or other bodies.
Please click on the relevant document in the section below at the bottom of the page to see each policy.
Other Policies:
Admissions Policy – see 'Admissions' section under 'About Us' for the link to Buckinghamshire County Council's Admissions Policy.
Curriculum Policies - these can be found on the individual subject areas on the 'Curriculum' page on the 'About Us' tab.
Safeguarding Policies - these can be found on our safeguarding page.
Home School Agreements (including Attendance Policy) - these can be found on the 'Home Learning' button on the 'Curriculum' page.
Juniper Hill School follows and has adopted the Buckinghamshire County Council policies in regard to Premises Management, Staff discipline, conduct and grievance procedures.
Our Child Protection Policy can be found on our Safeguarding page.