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The School Governors


The School Governors play a very active role in our school. The governing body consists of twelve governors, including parents, staff, Local Authority (LA) and community representatives.


The Full Governing Board meets once a term. Its core responsibilities are:


  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


We have three sub-committees that each focus on delivering against one of the core responsibilities. These committees each meet once a term:


  1. The Strategy and Planning (S&P) committee includes all governors and is concerned with the management of annual and long term planning processes.
  2. The Teaching, Learning and Community (TL&C) committee focuses on pupils’ learning and behaviour and the school’s links with the wider community.
  3. The Finance and Resources (F&R) committee oversees the finances and premises (including health and safety) of the school.


Additionally, there is a separate Pay Sub-committee to ensure we meet our statutory responsibility to consider and approve the Pay Policy annually.


Self-evaluation is a vital part of our culture here at Juniper Hill. We have a formal process of constantly reviewing all aspects of the school and we listen to everyone involved for their ideas. We have a “School Plan” of priority actions that each sub-committee of the governing body decides are necessary to address areas where we want to develop further, focusing mainly in curriculum areas and the development of the school premises. In the last ten years we have built new classrooms and a new library, refurbished all the toilets and the kitchen, and created the splendid adventure playground. Funding for these projects has been raised using our annual capital grants and extensive support from the Juniper Hill PTA.


Minutes of the meetings of the Governing Body are available in school. Key policies can be found on the 'Policies' page on the 'Parents' tab. If you would like to know any more about the school governors or are interested in getting involved, please contact any of the following governors or ask in the school office.





Date of Appointment


 Mr Timothy Waterworth 

    Chair of Governors

 1st December 2022


 Mrs Claire Garnett



 Mrs Ros Hazeldine

 15th September 2020


 Mrs Judith Timewell

 26th November 2019


 Mrs Cara Duhan

 1st September 2018


 Mrs Keira McMahon

Vice Chair

 26th February 2020

 Co-opted Mrs Denise Clark 13th May 2021
 Co-opted Mr Chris Smith 5th July 2022
Co-opted Mrs Helen Poet 8th November 2022
Parent  Mr Troy Emery 7th February 2023
ParentMr James Kingston2nd November 2023
Local AuthorityRev James Dwyer16th November 2023






Term of Office





Specific Role

Mrs Claire Garnett








Mr Tim WaterworthCo-optedDec 2022 - Nov 2026X XXWhistleblowing, Performance Management, SEMH

Mrs Cara Duhan


Sept 2018-Aug 2026






Mrs Judith Timewell


Nov 2019- Nov 2027





Pupil Premium 

Butterfly Curriculum

Mrs Keira McMahon


Feb 2020 - Sept 2027





Communication / Development

Reading, Swimming

Mrs Ros Hazeldine


Sept 2020 - Sept 2024

X (Chair)




Attainment Data

Whistleblowing, Filtering and Monitoring

Mrs Denise ClarkCo-optedMay 2021 - May 2025     X X Safeguarding, Looked After Children
Mr Chris SmithCo-optedJuly 2022 -July 2026 XX SEN, Travel Plan, Health and Safety, Equality
Mrs Helen PoetCo-optedNov 2022 - Nov 2026 XXXCurriculum Development, EYFS, Performance Management
Mr Troy EmeryParentFeb 2023 - Feb 2027X X Link Governor - Juniper PTA, Maths
Mr James KingstonParentNov 2023 - Nov 2027X    
Rev James DwyerLocal AuthorityNov 2023 - Nov 2027     



Juniper Hill Governing Body – Additional Roles and Responsibilities


A group of Governors may be required to form the Complaints Panel, Staff Dismissal, Staff Dismissal Appeals, Employee Grievance, Pay Review Appeals or Pupil Discipline Committees.   The Chairman of Governors has the authority to form such committees from the Governor’s pool, should they be required to meet, and a Chairman of such a committee would be elected at such a meeting.  No Governor can sit on a committee if they have prior knowledge of a staff dismissal incident, an employee grievance, an exclusion issue or staff (with regard to pay related issues).  Any Governor who sits on the Staff Dismissal committee cannot sit on the Staff Dismissal Appeals committee



Governing Body Documents


Many of our Policies are available online as pdf documents – please click on the 'Policies' page under the 'Parents' section of the web site.

Other documents are available on request from the school office. There is a file readily available in the school reception area of the Minutes of the termly Full Governing Body Meetings, and other committee minutes and documents are filed by the office. Single copies of most items are free. If your request means that we have to do a lot of photocopying or printing, or pay a large postage charge, or is for a priced item such as some printed publications or videos we will let you know the cost before fulfilling your request.


Declaration of Interests


  • There are no declarations of business or pecuniary interests to declare. These are checked annually in November and held in the school office.
  • None of our governors currently hold governance roles in other educational institutions. This is confirmed annually in November.
  • There are no material interests arising from relations between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives). These are checked annually in November.


