"The governing body ensures that safeguarding procedures are of good quality and that all statutory requirements, including child protection requirements and risk assessments, are in place. It is increasingly involved in holding the school to account for its performance in order to sustain the drive for continuous improvement. As a result of these many positive features, the school has capacity to continue improving." Ofsted 2012
"Members of the Governing Body have a wide range of skills and experience to contribute to providing the strategic direction and support for the school" - Bucks County Council Review February 2015
The School Governors play a very active role in the school. The governing body consists of thirteen governors, including parents, LA, staff and community representatives. Self-evaluation is a vital part of our culture here at Juniper Hill. We have a formal process of constantly reviewing all aspects of the school and we listen to everyone involved for their ideas. We have a “School Plan” of priority actions that the governing body decides are necessary to address areas where we want to develop further, focusing mainly in curriculum areas and the development of the school premises. In the last fifteen years we have built new classrooms, the library and ICT suite, refurbished all the toilets, and created the splendid new adventure playground and covered areas for the Reception classrooms. Funding for these has been raised using our annual capital grants and extensive support from the "Friends of Juniper Hill", our parent-teacher association.
We have three committees:
The Teaching, Learning and Community (TLC) committee focuses on pupils learning and behaviour.
The Finance and Resources (F & R) committee manages the finances of the school and is concerned with the responsibilities of the school as an employer, looking at management and people issues, including Health and Safety.
The Strategy and Planning (S & P) committee is made up of the chairs of each of the other committees and manages the annual and long term planning processes.