Welcome to Juniper Hill School
“Kindness Enjoyment Achievement”
There is much to celebrate about Juniper Hill School and I’m delighted to welcome you to our website.
Juniper Hill is a happy, thriving, 2 form entry Primary School, with an attached SEMH Unit (Social, Emotional & Mental Health) 'The Nest', set in the village of Flackwell Heath, Buckinghamshire. The school prides itself on being kind, caring and nurturing. We value and respect all members of our school community.
We strive for academic excellence. Our goal is for each pupil to thrive during their years with us and develop into confident, creative, independent learners who are ready for secondary education.
The school has an enthusiastic, committed, experienced staff who work hard to create an exciting learning environment for the children.
The school is a community. Our parents are engaged in their children’s learning and actively support the school. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) work tirelessly to raise funds to enrich the children’s learning. The school is fortunate to have an active governing body who work hard to ensure the school's aims and objectives are met.
A strength of the school is the wide range of extra-curricular activities we offer. Children can develop their sporting, musical and artistic talents as well as look after their wellbeing, with clubs such as football, netball, choir, art and sewing to name a few.
The school has a wide range of outdoor facilities including a large sports field, adventure playground, an orchard that is used for forest schools and a sensory garden.
We are a reflective school that is always looking for ways to enhance the children’s learning experience.
Children, staff, parents and governors are very proud of our school. We welcome visits from prospective parents at our open days.
Mrs Claire Garnett