We work in partnership with the Local Authority to support any child who has an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan). If a child already has an EHCP or has significant special or medical needs, please talk to us in confidence so that together we can ensure that all aspects of the admission process take place in good time, to ensure the best support for your child.
All teaching is carefully planned so the needs of all pupils are met. Lessons are adapted to ensure all children are supported and challenged. Pupils with significant special educational needs will have individual programmes / interventions, to address the targets on their EHCP, as well as adult support when necessary.
SEMH Unit - The Nest
In Autumn 2024 we will be opening at SEMH Unit (The Nest) at Juniper Hill School. The Nest will provide a ‘school home’, rich in support, nurture and therapeutic interventions for 12 children aged 4-11 years who have experienced disrupted childhoods ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences). Many of the children who will be joining us will be in foster care/adopted/special guardianship etc.
Children who have suffered adverse childhood experiences can find the demands of school life difficult and are more likely to experience challenges as young people.
Juniper Hill School’s motto of Kindness, Enjoyment and Achievement is at the heart of all we do. We are on an attachment aware, trauma responsive journey. The development of the Nest has been a direct result of this journey.
The Nest will provide children with a ‘school home’ A place they can receive love and care as well as academic support. The children will be taught a bespoke curriculum, delivered using a continuous provision approach. We are keen to provide positive, rich experiences in our bespoke environment. We will work alongside our families to do the best we can to meet our children’s individual, learning and attachment needs.
Our Nest Team consists of a specialist Lead Teacher, Mrs Sarah Rietdyk, trained LSA’s, a Speech and Language Therapist (1-day a week) and a Play Therapist (1-day a week)
‘Children who have experienced trauma need to be in an environment where they feel safe, seen, soothed and secure.’ Louise Bomber.
Safe: We aim to provide a physically and emotionally safe environment organised around nurture principles in a ‘school home’ environment. Trust and respect will be fostered, consistent routines established, clear boundaries and high expectations set.
Seen: Children will be truly understood and acknowledged (seen) through active listening, empathy and recognition of each child’s unique needs and strengths.
Soothed: We will help children to regulate their emotions, to provide comfort, gentle words, sensory experiences and reassurance and a calm approach when they are feeling distressed.
Secure: Children will feel secure through positive relationships with adults who are emotionally available and responsive to them. We will provide a stable and predictable environment. Security allows children to be able to explore the world and learn without fear.
Our entry and exit criteria will shortly be published
We are proud of the fact that our school has a positive attitude towards the inclusion of all pupils as we wish our school to be a true reflection of the society in which our children live.
At Juniper, we believe that every child has the right to achieve and feel successful. We provide educational experiences which develop pupils’ achievements and recognise their individuality. Diversity is valued as a rich resource which supports the learning of all. In our school, inclusion recognises the right of every child to a broad, balanced, exciting and challenging curriculum which is appropriate to their individual abilities, talents and personal qualities. It involves the identification and minimising of barriers to learning and participation that may be experienced by any pupil, regardless of age, ability, gender, ethnicity, language and social background and the maximising of resources to reduce these barriers.
Mrs Annika Williams is our Assistant Head for Inclusion / SENDCo, can be contacted via the school office on 01628 523536.