

Hill School

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Travel to School

Our school is situated in the middle of a residential area at the end of two cul-de-sacs and the area can easily become very congested which is a danger to everyone. All families are asked to walk to school if at all possible, and only drive to school if absolutely necessary.


We have a parking agreement which all parents are asked to sign when their children join the school. Please ensure that all adults who collect children from school, especially those who don't collect every day, are aware of this policy and abide by it for the safety of everyone connected with our school and our neighbours.


Parking Guidance


1. NO cars should enter the sections of the roads which are closest to the school except by prior arrangement with school. This means no entry into Highlands beyond its junction with Greenlands and no entry into the spur within Churchill Close that leads directly to the school.


PLEASE NOTE: This policy applies to parents and not staff.

2. There is an unofficial ‘One-Way’ system in operation in Greenlands and Highlands at peak school times which helps the traffic flow smoothly. Please enter from Straight Bit into Greenlands, park or drop off on the left-hand side, and then exit via Highlands into Chapman Lane. However please be patient with residents or visitors who are inadvertently driving the opposite way.

3. Cars must not be parked:

  • Where any residents’ access might be obstructed

  • On corners or junctions that affect visibility for pedestrians or drivers

  • On grass verges or pavements

  • Directly opposite other parked cars as this could prevent access for emergency vehicles

Please do consider parking further away from school and walking the remaining distance. This has benefits for the safety of us all around the immediate school area and also the health of the children.


Thank you to all who show consideration for the safety and well-being of everyone at our school and in the local community.


We have a Travel Plan Team who work to make travelling to school as safe as possible. If you have any ideas or would like to join us, please contact us via the school office.


Travel Plan - FixMyStreet


FixMyStreet is a website and App you can download to your phone; you can report any problems from fading yellow zig zags to broken kerbs and roads.


  • Log on or go to the APP
  • Enter a nearby UK postcode, or street name and area
  • Locate the problem on a map of the area
  • Enter details of the problem
  • They then send it to the council on your behalf

Useful External Links
